Saturday, June 26, 2021

Well, that was a year

So much--whew! Number of lives lost is staggering (thanks to the orange idiot), how quickly gun violence returned was not surprising but is very disheartening, anti-maskers and anti-vac --a big grrrrrr to you.

I have a lot of sanitizer I'm giving away. LOL!

Things here opening up completely July 1. The state is giving away 10 million dollars to those vaccinated--quarter mil to four persons at a time and then 5 mil straight up. But it was so difficult to get people stimulus checks-- insert sad face here for many. 

I did a chapbook with my daughter/her artwork paired with some stories.

It's called Colored Girl and is available on Kindle

Hope to do a book signing in a few months.

Have to resubmit to some festivals because they are postponing til 2022, and that's okay with me. 

I am applying for a writing-thing that I've wanted for a long time. Deadline is Monday and that's why I'm up procrastinating by blogging-ha!

I also submitted to something huge although that waiting-til-the-last-minute bit me you-know-where because there were a few mistakes as I was working on it just minutes before the time deadline. But what I submitted is good, man, it's really good so I hope they'll overlook some things. 

(Am convinced I will never learn or change my ways 'cause I'm up right now. . . )

I won something. I was one of the eight finalists  for the 2021 Daisy Pettles Writing Competition. Came in 2nd runner up.   Blog post about it here

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