Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I'm not a medium

but I filed my taxes and I can see that chair in my writing room in the very near future.😊


Am moving back into my writing groove.  Up in the middle of the night because my mind is writing. 

The novel is moving now.  Characters gelling.  Have been reading articles and a thesis I found on my subject and I don't feel so lost.


Monday, January 22, 2018

--Have to call the Missouri State Archives and the State Historical Society.  And the Division of Youth Services because I have to get permission to view some case history records.  And write this person at the Dept. of Corrections because I want to tour a prison and she can give me a yay or nay.

--A new character showed up and he wants me to write his story which seems interesting but I've got too many pieces already in the works.  Ideas are not a problem for me.  Finishing is. And I'm concentrating on the sample from the novel.  That's priority.  Dude, take a number.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Writing but not writing

Working on the writing sample for the grant, which is also going to be a sample for some writing workshops I'd like to attend.  Shelved the story rewrites temporarily. 

Watchng Hulu but the show "This Is Us."  So much I'm learning about writing from that show.  Whoever churns out those scripts is at the top of his/her/their game.  Love how humor is used in and to balance dramatic scenes. Hoping to put more humor into my work which I find hard and it's crazy because I used to be a comedienne and I wrote my own stuff! 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

So many broken links

I love the ease of the internet. People want to read my work. Google me. Done.

The flip and unfortunate side is that publications disappear, taking my work along with them. 😞

Another day, another story

Sent off.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Should I start a go-fund-me?

Penneys has a chair I want for my writing room. The price has fluctuated ever since I fell in love with it, the lowest price was around the past holidays but still too much 'cause I quit teaching so I could concentrate on my writing. It's not-quite-the starving artist life -but-pretty-darn-closeπŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ at the moment.

Ads of the chair show up on facebook, on pages I visit--taunting me, taunting me, taunting me😝

And let's not talk about the other collection pieces that match my desk and bookcase. . .

Yay, yay, yay, and yay!

Finally, a breakthrough in a scene of the novel that is coming along so slowly.

Steps forward on research as well. Have to go to Missouri (sorry NAACP) because that's where some archival material I need is.

Road trip!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Distracted by my own self

Got a photo acceptance so I was submitting the rejected out again. At the computer, I didn't want to write--just wanted to play around on Photoshop and other editing software.
Created some new images.  Submitted 23 in the last two days.  No writing but I was being creative.

I did do something for my writing though. Applying for a grant and got my budget done.  Now, I need to write a writing sample!πŸ˜‚

Sunday, January 7, 2018


If you want to reach a goal, the number one thing needed is discipline.  Without it, one wanders off course.

I got a work written last night but I didn't send it off because I was scrambling trying to find a publication that took micros.

Not even the story I was supposed to work on yesterday but I spent the day binge-watching "Chopped."  So easy to lose time due to distraction.

Lesson learned. No Hulu for me today.  I see where I'm trying to go.  Back on track to get there.

Friday, January 5, 2018

50 words

A short piece. Totally new, not one off the pile. Am really, really proud of this.  Love the voice and the subject.

Sent out. Hope it gets accepted.
The story I sent off yesterday got accepted. Yay!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

If you want to be a writer, you should journal.

Really, you should.

Fourth day=fourth submission

I didn't work on the story I'd hoped to revise, so I cleaned up a flash and sent it out. 

I was up at 2:30 and could not fall back to sleep.  Mid-morning, I decided to lay down "for a minute" and then woke up and it was almost four!  Had errands to do.  Day gone.  But I can't let that keep me from my work.

I need to finish that stack of stories to help clear energy. And I will. No matter what.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

All the Flies You can Eat

A short-short story
Got a story out. Still a bit of a struggle but I'm just going to have to accept that I am going to be rusty until I start writing regularly.

Have picked tomorrow's story and I have all day to work on it. Don't think it needs a lot of revision but it might.

Gonna go spend an hour on the novel and then read stories for a contest I'm helping judge.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Writing was a bit of a struggle but it's all my doing. Or really, not doing.

I have not written consistently in years.  I tried working on two different pieces but ugh, could not connect with the characters and tell their tales.

Worked on the novel, but I've got to do some reading to do to fill in some gaps, plus there are nine characters, though five will take secondary status.  I feel lost and overwhelmed but I'm going to reopen that file tomorrow and days after.

Sent a story out. One that had been completed and previously sent out and sent back. Not the one I'd hoped to send out -- but still.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Writing quote

As I entered the writing life, it entered me.

--Susan M. Tiberghien

Day 1

Got a story off.