Friday, March 25, 2011

Quote for 3-25-2011

Life is a handful of short stories, pretending to be a novel.

-- unknown

bye bye Borders

The Borders I used to frequent in Nashville is closing down. Sad to hear that but man I wish I were there, stockpiling literature!

still writing

I have today and Saturday and Sunday left to churn out fiction. And part of Monday 'cause I teach at night.

Not nearly as much writing as I wish but I get distracted-- darn the internet and youtube!

Still I will have two finished drafts of new stories today. Hope to get one more completed this weekend.

continuing on my writing mission. . .

Two Ways of Seeing: Two Sisters by Cherry Patrick Jamison

On Saturday, March 26th, Cherry Patrick Jamison will read from Two Ways of Seeing: Two Sisters at 2 pm in the Branigan Library's Roadrunner Room. The book is an equal collaboration between sisters Jamison and Virginia Patrick Hanley.

S. Derrickson Moore wrote that the book, "turned out to be a kind of Valentine, a message of love inspired by their growing-up years and later artist lives in the Southwest," in the February 13 issue of the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Writing in the March issue of The Ink, Roy van der Aa concludes, "Two Ways of Seeing is an interplay, a conversation between imagery in two art forms done sometimes years apart. The intensity of the dialogue comes from a common upbringing and values. The book transcends generations as it speaks to the curiosity, awareness and humanity found in us all."

Two Ways of Seeing will be for sale after the reading for $25 (tax included), and I will be happy to sign each book.

The book is published by Library Integrated Services ( and is available locally at COAS and Hastings for $24.95 plus tax, as well as from me at

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quote for 3-24-2011

The writer must write what he has to say, not speak it.

--Ernest Hemingway

a losing battle?

Ten more stories have dropped off the web!

Not sure if I want to continue trying to get most back on the internet.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Quote for 3-21-2011

As fantastic as it is to see your name in print, getting published shouldn't be the standard by which you determine your level of personal success or failure. … Plenty of things matter much, much more.

– Ann Edwards

up and at 'em

The plan is to use this spring break to get work done. Finish something!

We'll see how that works out, come Friday, but it's Monday morning and I'm sitting at the computer.

A start;-)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quote for 3-19-2011

Start early and work hard. A writer’s apprenticeship usually involves writing a million words (which are then discarded) before he’s almost ready to begin. That takes a while.

– David Eddings

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

another acceptance

an anthology.yay!

Quote for 3-12-11

There is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it.

--Gustave Flaubert


Got my NEA grant application in. Last minute, but I was not planning on that. It's just that I've got fifty million things going on. Never got back to the #2 big thing but maybe next year.

an acceptance

a micro I wrote a week ago.

today I am on a mission to get some real writing done.

so I've got to get to that.